it's not sad enough! SADDER! just kidding. this dubstep needs more dub wub wub...and crack.
it's not sad enough! SADDER! just kidding. this dubstep needs more dub wub wub...and crack.
It needed to kick in at some point, like at 1:30 approx. add it more drums, i don't know, but it would have worked so well. too short :) that has so much potential
Thanks for the review, yes I may work on this one some more, thanks for the suggestions!
sounds like the beginning to teenage wasteland..... no offense :)
none taken
I feel some perturbator in this tune. he has a habit of making twisted note progressions like that it's so damn good!
Nice! I totally understand your obsession with the genre. I'm usually more of a rock/metal guy, but this music is totally something else. It has good rhythm, but without really being dance music, and it's also atmospheric, it takes you to places... that's mostly due to the fact that most of these songs are instrumental. it might sound weird, but you don't have a singer distracting you from what you're trying to experience. I think the best way to call it is synthwave! I just downloaded it, I'm gonna put this stuff up in my car! Thanks man, good work!
hip hop is like blues
That a good thing? :P
the way it jumps from the intro, and all the darker parts, to the more melodic parts, kinda chorus, sounds a little strange to me.
got a sudden urge to grind myself against the couch
2 X 4 = 8 bit. I love animating weird stuff, and character slapstick animation.
Age 41, Male
Joined on 10/25/10