wow that gave me a good chuckle. I love your animation style man, good flow!
rate M for graphic!
That's Newgrounds rating system for you... you don't really get to choose, you just have to say what's in it.
you can't compare youtube with newgrounds, sorry. I think it's not healthy to look at your situation ike that... keep doing what you like, animating jokes or stories or whatever, but don't point out the fact that you're desperate for reviews, and feedback, subscribers, etc... it'll come eventually, if you stay natural.
and yes, your work looks pretty good
Actually this was all about Youtube, I really wasn't trying to parody any of the stuff going on on Newgrounds. Neither do I view my own work like this, I usually hate them by the time I upload.
they have ass cracks for chins....
i'm going to comment on this flash just because I like exposure, not because i have any opinion on this film whatsoever wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee look at me
this is far from your usual stuff.
2 X 4 = 8 bit. I love animating weird stuff, and character slapstick animation.
Age 41, Male
Joined on 10/25/10