sick track!! :P
sick track!! :P
I love this, the style is so raw, and alive! I read all the comments, and it's funny nobody mentioned the opening scene to Reservoir Dogs. Guys having a friendly conversation, making jokes, having a meal like there's nothing serious, but they're so rotten on the inside, then they go about in society and act like criminals. Chapeau, man! Good lipsync exercise, too...
It's too bad about the theme, though. It's shocking and vulgar, but as a student, do you go around in festivals and present that in portfolios??? I'm just wondering
Thanks for your comments!
To answer your question, I've never presented it as part of a portfolio but then again I don't really have a portfolio or a demo reel. I'm not much of a professional animator even though I love animation as a whole and I work within the field. But I've certainly submitted it to animation festivals and a few live action festivals. When they have a student category I submit to that but if not I simply submit to the professional category. That being said, I've certainly gotten jobs from the film as a writer, though. Just not at Disney :)
I hope that answers your question. If not, let me know and I can provide more insight.
You are a good person.
thanks twobyfour. you're seem alright too. :-)
just for the patreon thing...for deserve none of my pennies
Sorry to hear that. Oh well. Sorry you didn't enjoy the video. Hopefully I can make something that will make you laugh sometime in the future
smack dat
*generic metal soundtrack
good flow on the animation, good timing on the jokes man, good sound, good colors, good good, good chicken, and the chick is sexy... you haven't uploaded since 2012?? dood you need to get back to work!!!
the gelatto vendetta was my favorite......... but you forgot "pada poo pee"
french lesson in a flash!!!!
oui oui, c'est possible!
that had potential.... should have taken it further.... sound sucks, but hey! welcome to my world :)
I'll make sure to make the sound better next time. ;0
2 X 4 = 8 bit. I love animating weird stuff, and character slapstick animation.
Age 41, Male
Joined on 10/25/10